The uncertainty that surrounds our everyday lives

The weeks are passing and unfortunately, I can already say that the months. At home. Yes, because we are still mostly here at home in England because there are no shops, stores, or catering units open outside the basic grocery stores. A very slow reopening process will take place in the coming weeks and months. I hope we succeed. I feel through the outside world, but also through my own skin, as time goes on, more and more uncertainty appears in our lives. In fact, maybe it's already embedded in us. Of course, it shows up, especially since we find ourselves in a completely new and at the same time unusual situations.
Regardless of the current situation, the main features of modern life are the speed of change and the unprocessed mass of information. Let’s face it, we don’t always know what to do, but sooner or later we all learn to filter and select the information that flows to us. Well, we can use this ability in these days too, because the world around us is currently changing week by week.

But why does this progress results in uncertainty in most of us?

In this crisis, we get information on almost everything - what happened to the spread of the virus in neighbouring countries and even in the farthest corners of the world we know how it’s happening, how many were caught, how many died, we can get insight. In addition to all this, Facebook is the source of vast amounts of news and false news. This information does not form a single big picture. We almost know or would like to know about almost everything, but in fact, we still feel that we do not have a full picture of the situation as a whole. In this case, the information is not for entertainment and refreshment, but rather makes us feel anxious, insecure, and perhaps even a slightly threatened.

That can only be the basis of our state of mind. On top of this, there are added problems we face. A lot of people have lost their jobs permanently, but this period is difficult for them to look for a job because unfortunately, companies cannot plan in advance either. Others have their jobs temporarily suspended or furloughed and are waiting to return to work, which can also cause insecurity because it may not be necessary for everyone to be employed when reopen. At the same time, it should not be emphasized that there is an incredible amount of financial anxiety, as financial resources are shrinking or disappearing. Those who are lucky and have kept their jobs, many of them still work in home offices, but returning back to a new normal has already begun. However, not everyone is happy about this, because now they are used to the home environment, to work more flexibly. Not to mention that there are those who are happy to avoid a certain colleague. :)

The presence of children at home, the difficulties of their studies that have befallen their families greatly affect the atmosphere at home. The relations and alliances of couples and spouses could be bonded stronger, but the current situation could also have a wedge between them.
Let us not go without saying that we are worried about our elderly, our family members. Not only due to the narrowing and deterioration of their physical, but also their mental condition.

It doesn’t really matter which camp one belongs to, the current situation and the resumption that comes with it, which is here on the doorstep, causes frustration. Especially that the presence of the virus has not yet disappeared and we have to deal  with new rules and regulations along the way, which we all are trying to obey and follow.
On top of all this, this extraordinary situation also resulted in mistrust towards our fellow human beings.

What can we do to manage and overcome our frustrations?

Plan again!

Most people planned earlier this year what they wanted to accomplish this year. There’s nothing wrong with that, but we don’t have to despair if our list needs to be shortened, or maybe we need to rethink our options completely. The key is to stay even more on the ground of reality now!

Take back the control again!

Our anxiety may also have developed because we weren’t in control in recent weeks or months. The reins slipped out of our hands completely.
But we can get that back slowly now. Let's start with small steps. Plan your everyday routine, make a new schedule for yourself or your family: who needs to go back to work, when we go shopping, incorporate the new hygiene habits, plan ahead where you meet your friends, what programs, outdoor activities you can attend now.

 A new hobby, not just for the lockdown!

We were still able to develop a lot during the lockdown, only now we weren't able to achieve any success in our career, but we were able to focus on getting to know ourselves. If we have succeeded in bringing new things, habits into our lives, we do not have to turn our backs on them. Now strive to incorporate these into your current life, not just your “quarantined existence”. If you’ve just immersed yourself in the mysteries of cooking, or haven’t been able to hold a good book in your hands for years, but have now finally read it all the way through, or have just started exercising online, practicing yoga, meditating don’t stop!

Take it easy!

At the end of the day, it’s worth taking 15 minutes to be with yourself and think about not only the goals you want to achieve but especially the things you already have and you can honestly rejoice in them. Be grateful!
Finally, meditate or just listen to some relaxation music and clear your mind.

Be patient!!!

I left it at the very end, but not because it's not important quite the contrary. I would like to stress to - don't worry about it! - be patient. Let us not have huge expectations of ourselves and the current circumstances either.
Because the reopening process has begun, let’s face it, we won’t be able to continue where we left off any time soon. A small example, but we can all encounter the situation: don’t be offended if our colleague, whom we haven’t met in months, doesn’t want to shake hands with us, or maybe one of our family members, our friend, doesn’t want to hug us just yet.
Consider even more what kind of personal contact others can fit into. It’s a tiny thing, but if we don’t take it seriously, it can easily end up being an insult.

Let's try to pay more attention to each other!


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